
October 14th, 2024

Ok, so this is really the pivoting point. Do we go aggressively after Iran. Iran has, not openly, but still pretty clearly threatened with nuclear retaliation.

When you do massive tests of bombs that shake the continent, then then message is; we HAVE nuclear weapons, and if this escalates even further, we WILL push the button.

That is the message.

So, this leaves us with different options. We can escalate, destroy nuclear bomb infrastructure, hope that we get it all, and then pray that the Iranian refer from attacking us with nuclear bombs. This again may lead to a world escalation, essentially the destruction of man.

We can stop the war, and then try to make some deals with Hamas and Hezbollah. Which will make us look very weak, and invite future destruction.

We can the try and peddle the middle road. Not too much, not too little.

We still have to keep our goals in mind. We are fighting to MAKE ISRAEL SECURE. So we do need to still be figuring out a solution to that conundrum.

Making Iran destroy us with nuclear arms is not a step in that direction.

My point is, we have to find a middle road between too little and too much.

G-d bless the will to make peace, and keep the suffering to a minimum. When we force people to leave their homes in Lebanon, they are just as displaced as the Kibbutzes of northern Israel. War is horror of man, and a tool to be careful using.

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