Is this for real?

I just need to wrap my head around this. The EU were well under way with a highly successful energy policy. The direct production of green fuels to fuel the maritime fleet as well as the aircraft fleet.

So the Danish police together with the Danish government decided to make a determined destruction of these plans, just to make sure, that the development was stopped. They were so determined to stop the plans, that they decided to torture small little children. I guess that these plans must have been really horrible, since the Danish police felt the need to torture small children.

Now after a long and determined fight to destroy the energy policies. They are dumbfounded by the fact, that there is no energy policies in the EU, and have no idea, why this happened.

Seriously, I mean. In a scale from one to ten, how far at the top are we from complete, horrible stupidity.

The most crazy is, that they still refuse to turn around, and make the policies.

It’s just beyond astoundingly idiotic. I mean is it because the EU was having a ton of success, that the police decided to destroy exactly the thing that actually was a success?

G-d bless the will to make man just a tad smarter.

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