
August 3rd, 2024

When we talk gender, these days the main reaction against feminism has been hyper masculinity as with Mr. Andrew Tate and a defense for young men’s independence and responsibility as with Mr. Jordan Peterson.

My angle has been different, because it is really not a defense of masculinity. Masculinity to me is quite simple, it is the pursuit of ideals. To fight for something. I fight for the smallest in our society, the weakest. I have done it as a journalist and I have fought to make the state realize this basic task, so that it serves and protects.

So that is manly. It has very little to do with my relationship to women, it is my outwardly mission of my life.

When it comes to love, it goes back to my deepest relationship, my relationship to spirituality, ethics and family.

To build a life with a spouse or a nice girl, is about finding something that you share with her.

Building together.

Women are all into that, they actually ALSO have a romantic side.

In this way, I truly believe, that the fight for equality is through positive means.

This is not to say, that my way is the only way. There are many ways, yet I truly believe, that Plato is the profound way.

G-d bless the unity of love, we can and should find between man and woman.

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