
I am reading this book on Google AdWords, and I kind of sparked a train of thoughts, that gives me a deeper understanding of what it is, that I am doing here on the blog.

Bear with me, while I try to relate.

I the internet there is, generally, only one leader. Google is the leader of search, Amazon is the leader of selling, and so on. Facebook is the leader of blog social media.

As there is so little friction in the internet, everybody naturally gravitates towards the best app or service. Because all services are available.

This is what Rubicon is for politics. It’s the best political entrepreneur there is, and probably will be for some time to go.

So why settle with the second best, if you can have the best.

This actually feeds back into the electorate. They want the politicians to follow what I do, because they also want the best.

In Denmark, after the current government shut my tv station down, and I stopped supporting them. The electorate got REALLY pissed. They are used to my level, and the second best is just annoying.

So they dump the government, and now the current government want to make me work again, but for that to happen, there is a long path of rebuilding what the current government tore down.

Something is happening, there is the possible book deal. But there is still a long way to go.

So, for me, honestly. I have my own priorities. I want to help the Anglican Church, because they have always been such a staunch support, and I really like them.

As everyone else, I am motivated by things. I want to have a payday, I want the honor I have accrued to come back to me.

Yet I am also very altruistic, so material things are not so important.

Negative attention however, like shutting down my project is definitely a turn for the worse.

I must be honest, I also judge people on what they use my help to do. Will they make a better or worse world?

G-d bless the will to make a better world. May humanity be better.

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