Mr. Andrew tate

It’s kind of interesting, I have kind of locked horns with Mr. Andrew Tate, that has his own brand of understanding gender. He or someone he knows kind of post his brand of understanding on the Facebook stream of mine.

Where the feminist are all in on the evil of men, it seems to me, that Mr. Tate has somehow turned this around, and has focused on the evil of women.

And he has some valid points. Just as men can be violent and dominating to a point where the subdue women. Women are born manipulators and often cheat on men, if they can get away with it.

However just because men has some evil traits, it does not mean, that all men are evil and vise versa.

Men are sometimes prone to evil, so is women.

The whole point of platonic love is to ascend as lovers to a higher spiritual and well as ethical existence. Create love, truth, good and beauty inbetween each other.

Now don’t get me wrong. Being educated in the vices of women is good for men, so they know what to expect and being able to see the signs of an evil woman.

But, just because there is evil in women, does not automatically make all women evil.

True love is a savior and a teacher. It’s the only way to ascend IN love.

You can be a wise man and sit on the top of the mountain and be enlightened. In many ways that is an easy path. But the platonic path of soulmates and true love is a much more challenging yet rewarding journey.

It’s THE most challenging journey that man or woman can embark on. The investment is immense, the prizes are eternal love and joy.

Ethics, morals, spirituality are real things that try to drag you AWAY from evil.

G-d bless the will to fight the demons of the world and go with the angels. Because angles are the very essential expression of true love.

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