
Ok, as I understand the issues of the EU, there are really two issues, that ponders the mind of the commission.

One is the rise of the national wave, the other is economy. How do the countries in the EU compete with the US and China.

First of all, again, we are talking about BALANCE here between the federal and the national level. Finding the right BALANCE is really the issue.

So how do you make money?

Economy means household in Ancient Greek. So really it is about having more income than what you spend. It is as simple as that.

The hard part is; how do you MAKE MONEY.

Well the problem is, that the Chinese use a lot of cheap labour and copy most tech from the US and Europe. So there is a criminal case there, we have to think about. We need know how to stay in Europe. This we have been far too lax at.

Secondly we need to protect our core industries. Right now the Chinese are dumping prices on electrical vehicles. The state sponsors a lot of cheap cars, and destroy German EV making by that.

That has to be tackled, there is no way around that. One way os to counter the money that the Chinese invest in the market 1 to 1, so that if China targets a specific marked, the Federal level sponsors the European market to the same extent, or even better, in practice countering these dirty tactics.

You can make walls of tax and so on. China plays dirty, we need to counter these dirty tactics.

Then there is the LOYALTY of the industry. Most industries are loyal to the nation, they are patriots. That is not a problem, in fact it is a pretty obvious bargaining chip on the discussion with the national MP that are supposed to be strong in the European parliament. SUPPORT this attitude instead af working against it. ACCEPT that the local business are pretty fond of the queen or the king. That is ok, as long as they KEEP their industry in EUROPE.

So, that is what I would do to tackle the two challenges in one fell swoop.

That would create a potential disruption of the industry, in the positive way.

At least this what happened in the US, where I proposed these ideas ten years ago. It is, with the lack of a better term; Obamanomics.

G-d bless the will to make a prosperous European Union. May we all get it to work again.

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