Our goals have to be good

September 30th, 2024

Ok, I hear you on the left. You are into unity. It’s what we are supposed to do.

Fighting to get the moral high ground is about choosing our actions. What do we do. Do we seek to keep our own path clean, or do we focus on the actions of those we fight.

Having a focus on what WE do, will make us, sometimes, the victim.

I have been the victim of abuse for many years.

Instead of pointing fingers, what I try to do, is to point my fingers on the society I truly believe will be a better society. One of equality and truth.

The lord wants us to have good lives, and sometimes one has to go against the grain, and say no.

Yet to do that, one has to have a goal of something good. Something that will carry not only you, but also your fellow man.

That requires unity, because the division that is sowed these days, will hinder that outreach to your fellow man. The child in pain for having nothing to eat, and no roof over their heads. The man who just lost his family.

Things like that, are what we are supposed to think about.

Just fighting, without that positive goal in mind, will put a veil in front of our eyes.

G-d bless the will to see good in this conflict as well.

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