
Well, thinking about the Russians, one has to UNDERSTAND them to really make a deal with them.

Who are the Russians really?

Well, as the Americans, they are hard-nosed frontiersmen. When the Rus came to what is today Ukraine, they came with the joy of Scandinavian culture. Put up a Thing, and enjoyed the festive markets that we vikings enjoy.

But living at the fringe of European culture soon meant that Ukraine was invaded by Mongols who destroyed the beautiful cities that the Rus built. So the Rus had to pick themselves up by the bootstrap, and adapt to the difficult situation. And they did, they started wandering East, making the greatest country in the world in the process. Russia.

Russia is immense, it never ends. It has places people never go.

This hard-nosed people that ended at the pacific in their fights has NEVER forgotten their roots, but often feel forgotten by us. So they feel left in a place with few roots to drink from.

The beauty and joy of their ancestors is all but forgotten. So the plow on, survive in their own strong way.

Then, when we vilify the Russians, they feel left alone again, not understood.

At the other hand, they, even though they do not say it, really like some aspects of American culture. ESPECIALLY the vigilante, cow boy culture. The sixshooter lone rider. Putin is supposedly a great fan of Steven Seagal, why? Because the hard nosed kossack culture they themselves are heir to, is in many ways the same as the Americans.

Now Russia is older that the US. So, they have an older and bit more refined culture. Dostoyevsky, their own platonic church, the byzantine church, and Tolstoi. I like Tolstoi, he is a deep thinker.

So, a plan that may bring peace, should reflect these cultures. Make it a cowboy plan, a Steven Seagal plan, brazen, true, honest, American as well as Russian.

See, you may not like each other much, but at the end of the day, culturally, the difference is not so large or great. The likeness is very much the same.

It takes a Dane to see this, because we are in the middle, but you should actually find much more peace in understanding each other, than just not liking each other.

Russians are not materialist communist anymore. They have found their own roots in many ways, and the roots are beautiful.

It comes from that Thing, a place where the ancients met as equals, and maybe that is a place to meet again.

G-d bless the will to find peace again.

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