
July 19th, 2024

All right, so we are kind nearing the end of one crisis, and we need to help at another place to make things work.

My feeling is, that mr. Netanyahu will start the peace process for real next Wednesday. He is addressing the congress in the US, and that kind of news will get him a round of applause.

It has been incredibly tough with all the pressure, and the angst building up, but we are getting through it.

There will be discussion on the pre 7´th of October, yet if it turns out to be a peace deal, that we all can live with, the image of mr. Netanyahu will be not ok, but all in all he will go down in history as the great statesman he truly is.

He is really, really good, and he deserves all the applause we can give him.

This means, that I will be in a position to win the Nobel peace price. We will see, yet it should be given to me.

Anyway, then I have to change focus, and start focusing on the EU.

I have given it a bit of thought as to how we should work on it, and I guess I have an idea, that I will try and get in contact with the commission to lay out, and hear of they are interested in that.

There has to be a pay day for me in it, somehow.

That is just the way it, so we will hopefully be able to develop and kind of new balance between the federal and the national level.

The idea of making that balance, has taken root in the system, so we need to work on a bit more, and do a federal wide discussion with the different players to find the perfect match.

It can be done, and do have some ideas up my sleeve. I have just written a book about the perfect society, to kind of warm me up to the process, yet there is a lot of theoretical discussion I have to have with some of the players of the EU, and national players as well.

Hopefully this will be in tandem with a positive development of Israel, so that we work on the advancement and solidifying of Israel as a state. To be united.

So these are kind of my time plan.

G-d bless the will to do good, act good and have good thoughts.

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