Protecting the weak

October 24th, 2024

All right, the most important issue, and also the most difficult issue in the European Union right now is the question of migration.

Everybody agrees, that it has to be done something about, and then no one has the truth ability to talk about the problems, as they are.

I get it, it is VERY difficult, and you would not want to be excluded from the fine salons if you say something that is not accepted.

So everybody avoids this issue, or have solutions, that are not working. So the problems are just repeating itself, tearing both Europe and the Union apart.

I have worked on the issue, and it has cost me a lot of standing. But it has been a success, that is accepted by both migrants and native danes.

What I have done, is to focus on law and democracy. We put in some VERY harsh laws for migrants. If you break the law, you can forget about becoming a citizen.

It is tough, but it is fair.

If you are criminal, and repeat the criminal behaviour, you are remigrated.

I know, that this is a tough system, but the basic effect of it, is that the most migrants, who are law-abiding, they get to be left alone, and can slowly, if they are making a positive impact, stay out of social welfare, make a living and a future.

BUT, those who plot to destroy our democracies from inside, they are really just migrated, Isis, and the like.

I have proposed the same process for Gaza, and the thing is, actually the Arabs themselves saw this a fair way to treat this matter.

So, there will be no bad feeling about this from the Arab countries. I mean, a criminal is a criminal, and there is no leniency of criminals in the Arab world. In fact, crime is punished much more severely in the Arab world, than we do in Europe. So they understand the policy.

So, if we put in some much tougher laws in the migration area, we actually protect the lawful migrants.

So, this is a compromise, that we can do in the rest of Europe, to make left and right meet at the middle, and stop some of the anger from the right.

We all deserve to live in a world, where we are protected and safe, especially the weak.

G-d bless the will to make a new way of dealing with the issues of the European Union, and may it prosper.

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