
My feeling is, that we are at this pivotal moment. Israel is going either this or that way, but it seems to me, that we are actually going to make it.

My relationship with the princess is actually going really well. This is off cause something personal, but the potential for what we can accomplish together in this world is just mindbending. She is such a beautiful person. The world will fall just as much in love with her, that I have.

Add to this the movement in the royal British house. When we get out of this conundrum, we will be MUCH stronger. This will have a lot of really positive implications for Britain, and in extension of this the British empire.

Add to this, the rebounding US and the potential within Europe, all in all, the West is back as a GROWING power and will not be declining anymore.

We are, essentially, in the middle of a Western renaissance.

G-d bless the will to find solace in the fact, that things are actually going in the right direction. G-d bless the will to find redemption in the direction of the Western world.

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