Rights and laws

October 21st, 2024

In order for the current commission to work. We have to focus on the migration issue.

These are some of my reflections on that VERY difficult issue.

First of all, we have to make sure, that the methods we apply are humane as possible. We are not going to do things like take children from the parents or such a thing. It has to be humane.

My first idea was to make a string of camps in Africa, I don’t know where we are with this process. Is it still in motion?

Then there are the ethical discussion on the how and what.

We do this to protect our democracies.

If we have people in our countries who do not support or respect our democracies. Then we are in trouble.

This means, that people who do not respect our laws, or as in the case of ISIS actively seek to destroy our democracies. The state and thereby the police must take action. We have to have situation, where our laws are respected.

I also think that situations where gays and other minorities are threatened, we should also react.

This is harsh, yet for the victim, the laid back attitude is far worse.

We have to give the citizens of Europe justice and law.

The applied methods are then up for discussion. How do we make sure, that the law is respected everywhere?

G-d bless the will to make law and justice protect the weak, as it is supposed to do.

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