
I think I have finally figured out the principles that drive Rubicon, and why it has been so successful over the years. It’s because, what is given here is given without any thought of compensation. It’s given freely, really.

As I grow the platform to include podcasts, this principle should be continued to the interviews and thoughtful conversations. It should be given freely to support people around the world in their troubles.

By continuing this basic principle, hopefully my work will be as successful at podcasting as blogging.

What I am saying is, that if anyone of my readers need help in their work, don’t hesitate to reach out. I will be doing some preparation for myself, and try to figure out, where I might be at service to others.

It should be giving and sacrificing my time, that should be the way forward. In itself the process in itself will be a point in the whole dialogue.

G-d bless the will to share and be at service for people around you.

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