Just to come to a more positive vibe, after having been forced to deal with out sad excuse of a PM.
I have given it a lot of thought concerning my service to mankind.
Service is about GIVING. To give of what you have to the world. My skill set is very much in the political/religious conservative end.
There are many movements, churches, mosques and synagogues who I can GIVE something to. Like now with the election of a new archbishop of the Anglican Church. Here I can be at service; try to understand the principles of a new course. Understand the political challenges and then support a unified Anglican Church.
Also, the Catholic Church, proving the existence of G-d. It could potentially be a renewal of all over the world. We need to get the arguments out into mainstream. G-D IS ALIVE, our cry upon our lips must be.
So, shedding light on the different very important issues is a service. I will try, to the best of my ability, to serve those who try to make a better world. ALL those who try that, there will be no exceptions, someone who do not qualify. We are the beautiful creatures made by the creator.
So, this is what my work will focus on. Also the political aspects off cause. I made the migration principles Trump is running on, there is a deep and profound philosophical reflection behind these ideas. The more we are able to discuss them, the sounder the basis.
So, although I have to contend with all these horrible, satanic forces in Denmark. My faith is undiminished.
G-d bless the will to make a better world. May we all become better.