
Princess, when you need comfort, and I am not around.

You know what I would do? I do something really kind old fashioned and just really sound.

I start to do a lot of praying. I pray to the angels, and I pray to G-d. It may sound a little weird in these days, where faith is not that a part of our daily lives.

But it gives me a lot of comfort. Maybe, that could work for you as well?

The more you connect to G-ds grace, the better a person you become and a really positive spiral comes out of this.

You start to get your life to be a life of real importance.

You begin to think more about what you can do to others, than what others can do to you. This is a path to find real support.

Because then when you are in trouble, and we always end up in trouble somehow, then those who you helped when you had the energy, will help you back. Thereby building a solid foundation under your life.

G-d bless the will to find a good life by sharing and giving to others, especially you.

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