
Elon, I hear you. It’s not that I will not support you guys. Of cause I will, there are a lot of agendas that needs to be discussed and so on. Not least the migration agenda. I have been giving some thoughts to that.

It’s just. The local Jews are my community. I need friends around, and honestly they think I am going too far. I need to respect that.

I will fight for my future, but maybe it is a bit more constructive to go to Israel and do some peace work and supportive things than doing these negative things. It’s not good for anyone. The secret police are trying to destroy me these days.

So just for the health of the world, and my own health. I prefer to try and work my way to Israel and do some positive things for Israel.

But I will definitely help you as well. Strategically especially.

I think we have a good chance at winding down the war in Ukraine. That would be good for everyone.

Then I have to extricate myself from this mess.

But man, we have been friends for ten years, off cause I will support you.

G-d bless the will to support one’s friends.

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