
Ok, so my feeling is, that the PET has got the message. I have my boundaries, and they still need to pay a price for the 7’th October. One way or the other.

But I will leave it alone for now, and see if we can the Middle East back on track.

I applaud the neutral stance that the Syrian leadership has taken. So far there is a room for a civilized, democratic construction. Everybody is tired of the war, and Syria needs to be rebuilt.

It is possible with a democratic constitution. The trick is to make each minority safe. This again is only attained if they are safe in their respective area, the local police should be ethnic and rely on the support of the people in the region.

If that is done, then the central government can be dominated by one ethnic group without things going to conflict.

We will have to figure out a constitution. But we are actually on the right track. No one wants an oppressive government again. I know how this is, I am essentially writing from a PET dungeon. So this is how I know that that is not a preferable position to be in. The horror, the angst and the demhumanization. We need people who are ready to stand up for the weak, not tread on them.

G-d bless the will to make a free Syria.

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