
The war in Gaza is not going very well. For the reasons, that I have tried to detail; the terrain, the weapons, the war is, as we speak, on a loosing course.

That is the truth, hard as it is.

If we loose the war, mr. Netanyahu an otherwise excellent politician, this I KNOW from many years of working with him, will have a spoiled legacy.

Not only that, none of the goals that was set in the beginning of the war, will be met.

It is simply because we are not using the right tools. We are trying to use a hammer on a screw. Using soldiers to flush out Hamas in the tunnels, is impossible without massive loss.

So we need to find a screwdriver.

I am not trying to discourage the current leadership, on the contrary, it is best to have options, when you are under a lot of pressure.

Find that new tactics, that will win us the war NOW!

G-d bless the tactics, that will turn the tide of the war.

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