Joe, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your over fifty years of serving the United States of america.
An endless work, that very few could have done like you.
When you hand over power in the fashion you have done, things are just pointing in the direction of a better world.
It has been hard, and the ups and downs have been many. Yet looking back, what you have done, has made a better world.
You have stood by what you have believed in. In a staunch and proud manner that few have like you.
You have set an example very few have done before you, or is there any who have ever done, what you have?
I have had a little experience with handing over power to challengers of a younger kind.
I remember when I was young and stepped onto the scene of politics and journalism, I just swore, that I wouldn’t be in the way of the challengers. So actually for a long time, I stood by when someone came a challenged my position.
I did not work, one of the challengers just went all into war mode. He almost destroyed NATO.
So, there is a new young journalist challenging my position in the debate right now. This time, I reached out to him, to try and relay my many years of experience.
In a way, that I hope will really help him succeed.
He actually listens, and he is an amazing journalist. He is just amazing. So, we can talk and I can help him be a better journalist.
I hope you keep on helping Kamala and Tim. Your experience and honestly just amazing character is an example to learn from.
So, helping Tim especially, is important. He is a bit in need of help. He would definitely appreciate to learn from your experience.
Just in a subtle and respectful way, so that he can make his own way.
In this way, the line of succession is kept sound and good.
G-d bless the will to stand back, and hand over power when it is challenged and help those who will take over your position.