Joe, I am so so sorry. I wish I have had the energy and focus to support you some more. I feel partially responsible. If I had the focus, maybe I could have pulled you through.
Though to be honest, it is definitely wiser to pull the stops now. To be realistic about your energy is the most responsible.
At the end of the day, it is not your policies that is wrong, it is your energy and ability to take all those fights that are in the political debates and so on.
For whatever it is worth, it has been a pure honor to be your friend. We are still friends, yet to serve you over the years, has just been a delight.
We agree on most issues, and your fight for America, unity, the blue collar worker, the American economy has been really inspiring.
So well done, you have done more than most to support a prosperous and happy United States of America. Your are the best.
G-d bless the United States of America.