The descend into antisemitism in Europe

So this is the situation I am trying to change. In Malmø, a smaller town just eat of the capital Copenhagen. Jews are unable to live. In Holland, the Jews are ALSO leaving. In Denmark we see a slide into antisemitism in the police, as well in Holland.

The backbone, the moral backbone, needed in the institutions of Europe to truly defend Jewish way of life, is simply not there. It is much easier just to silence the Jews who are actually yelling up about these things. As we see in my case. Just shut him up, no problem. There IS a problem, and that is, that the conflicts that are in the Middle East seem to flow to Europe. Maybe the police doesn’t care, or the societies does not care. But THE REST of the civilized world do actually care about the plight of the European Jews.

So many Jews perished in the second world war, and now we are here again. What do the police do; they make another war in the Middle East.

This is not acceptable. I know that the war in the Middle East has many faces, and you do not have to support Israel. I do, and have been doing for a long time. But I understand, that this is not for everybody.

But Jews LIVING in Europe are NOT responsible for the war in the Middle East.

This means, that the police need to really protect Jews. To be honest, the lightning of the Menorah I have just witnessed was a good example of police living up to their responsibilities. But the secret police is NOT living up to its responsibilities.

G-d bless the will to make a free and safe space for all Jews in Europe.

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