The European Union

I have been invited into the family of Bruxelles, and they are actually supporting me these days.

It is pretty amazing, and to be honest, also a life saver.

So one of the main things, that I am going to try and do, is to support the European Union in its realization.

It is very difficult, because the Union is very diverse in the sense, that the culture varies a lot from east to west and from north to south.

At the heart of this question lies the problem; how do we organize the European Union, so that it will actually work.

The election is coming up, and after the election, there will be a lot of discussion on that subject.

Already now, I think we have to take the bull by its horns, and start discussing what we do after the election.

I hope to be able to work across Europe, as I am planning to get a European wide debate project going on after the election.

But we have to be realistic about the process, it will take a lot of time to realize.

There will be extensive discussions on the subject of the European Union and how we make it a minister for all of the Europeans.

So my advice is, maybe you should make a Horizon call, that adresses this process already now, so that we can be prepared for the process after the election. And it has to be like the call for Middle East peace process, a flexible and relatively fast frame around a discussion that has to encompass all of the European countries.

So we have start now already, and then, go on after the election.

Then we can end up with a constitution, that has the necessary amendments that the people of Europe will identify with.

G-d bless the will to find a positive frame around the European Union, may it find a new and positive path ahead.

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