The example

July 28th, 2024

One of the main issues, that we somehow have to wrap our heads around is the INTERNAL debates we need to have around the cultures of our democracies.

Mr. Biden made a wonderful example of how politics is supposed to work; selfless, ethical with an amazing character.

So that is a good start. Yet, deeper in our cultures, there are issues that we need to work on as well. In many countries around the world divorce statistics are skyrocketing, our academia is not focused on finding truth and we have lost faith.

The INNER working in our societies is about the ethical make up of world.

We need to work on how we do our societies. Make them more honest, faithful, romantic.

That is really the hard work. What we are working on right now is the symptoms of the deeper problems that are essentially demoralization of our societies.

That is my message to the EU. The redemption of the project lie in a more virtuous conduct. Be better persons as Mr. Biden, he has shown us the way. His example is there to follow.

G-d bless the will to be good men and women and treat each other with honesty, integrity and sacrifice.

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