The federal level

To really make the EU a place of success, people need to know, what it stands for.

I have tried to pinpoint a place, where the EU both is itself, and also has the ability to shine in terms of international recognition.

It has to balance the American ideal, but also has to be uniquely European.

What really springs to mind is renaissance philosophy. First and foremost Democratic humanism.

A quiet revolution in the ideas of Democratic humanism, is a point, where both European and American ideals merge and find a point of interest.

France gave the US the Statue of Liberty, to support the emerging American democratic revolution. So the French ideals can be a starting point for the EU.

But, and this is very important, it has to balance some of the other major European centers of ideas, mainly that of southern Germany, Frankfurt and the ideas of the Frankfurterschool.

Adorno picked up on the ideas of humanism, written in his very good book; Dialectic of enlightenment, that he actually wrote while he was in the US. A stream of ideas, that really impacted the US a lot, to this day.

So, to really base the new ideas to make the EU a beacon of exactly these ideals, would give the countries a deeper understanding of why we really need a federal level.

G-d bless the will to see the European Union as a continuation of the Frankfurterschool in the mold of both a German and French base with connections to the United States of America. May we find peace and prosperity.

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