The last stand of Hamas

Ok, this is the situation, we have won. As long as Hamas only option is to use hostages to make deals, and not do any kind of real action. Then we have, by all kinds of meters, won.

What we are looking at, is, essentially the sweep up of the last forces in Gaza.

How do we do that?

We do that by taking control of the territory as fast as possible. As long as Hamas do not have an incentive to trade hostages, as they do not now, they won’t. But if we take all territory above ground, and all they have left is the tunnels, they have incentive to trade again.

So it is time for decisive and swift action, until Hamas has some kind of motive to trade.

Also we need to give the remaining fighters an exit plan.

We need them to know, that if they surrender, they will have some kind of future. There is no future for them IN Gaza, but a fresh start somewhere else, where they can’t reach Gaza is an option.

I get it, that the leadership is not given this chance, but the footsoldiers, should have a way out.

With these measures, we are giving the soldiers a way out, and at the same time optimizing our chances of getting the last hostages out.

It is a simple game of leverage.

If Hamas has a motive to exchange hostages they will. If not, they won’t. So we need to apply as much pressure as possible.

We also need to give access to supplies for the citizens of Gaza. Especially those who are displaced. Give them food, shelter and good living conditions. This is to be humane, and also show that we listen to mr. Biden, who has been supporting us for a long time.

G-d bless the will for a swift victory. We may not be able to get to all the tunnels, but we will be able to hold the ground, so that supplies will run out eventually, effectually leaving a siege battle at hand.

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