The new European renaissance

Well, I am again sorry for not having the resources to support the EU, but I guess the work with the book still has not come to the part where I start discussing the structures of the federal level of the EU.

At the bottom of the whole discussion however lies the most important principle, the principle of balance between the federal and national level.

How does the structure of the federal level make that work?

There are a lot of proud nationalists in the EU, and for it to work, we have to make a case of respect for their ideas and needs.

We can’t just steamroll over their perspectives. We need to find the right balance. That balance, will have to be STRUCTURED into the architecture to make it work. I think, that that is really what we are going to discuss after the election.

We can just as well initiate the discussion. The national fronts of Europe will be strengthened in the election, and finding a way to make this new constellation work is the job essentially.

I have a lot of respect in these political parts after a lot of years in politics. So, I hope, that my voice can be a voice of dialogue and respect between the different parties.

Like in the Middle East, we need to find a compromise between right and left to make the whole system work.

It can be done, it has to be a renaissance WITHIN the EU, with that, which is the most beautiful tradition of Europe, the federal level will have the necessary history to fall back on.

All great changes in Europe is traditionally based on a renaissance, this is the same with the EU.

It has to be based on a renaissance.

G-d bless the will to be honest in action, and find the necessary compromises in the EU. Lets work for peace.

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