The ombudsman

July 20th, 2024

I have been on the sharp end of governmental persecution for many, many years. It can be worse, I know a guy who has been in and out of prisons for putting up provocative stickers and another one who have just been sentenced to 1 1/2 year of prison because he put some paint on a painting.

So the treatment I have been dished out is not as bad. I am mostly harassed with economical control. Trying to make my economy suffer as much as possible.

So this is obviously illegal and not a way to treat intellectuals and journalists.

It seems to me, that there is a mellowing coming about, Assange has been freed, and there is an end to the harsh treatment of Trump.

So the question is, how do we hinder these system abuses and illegal operations of the police. Usually it is the police that is behind the abuse.

One of the tools that is in the toolbox is the ombudsman.

That is originally a Danish institution, and it works by protecting the rights of the citizens.

I know that the Danish ombudsman is aware of my predicament, and there may be a process to look into the censorship of my person and some of the projects I have been a part of by the ombudsman.

It is not an all in solution to get rid of the abuse of our demoralized police, but it is one tool, that may stem some of the abuse that is being carried out by the system of law, when it crosses the line of law enforcement and political control.

Political control by the police is illegal, by all parameters, and we need to stop this before it hurts more people.

G-d bless the will to make a serious and much better police that refrains from political control.

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