The way to peace

October 7th, 2024

When you are hurt, your first reaction is to lash out, and hurt the one, that is hurting you.

This is the dynamics of war. Someone sends a rocket in your direction, and you retaliate.

Now, who has the power? The one, who can control your anger.

Who then has the power right now, mr. Sinwar has the power over Israel and the Jewish people, because he CONTROLS our fear and anger. It is an old trick in the war manual.

Now, the wise, gets in CONTROL of his anger. I have done a lot of journalistic work with the fishermen here in Denmark, who are kind of the last “viking” type Danes that are left in the country.

They are tough as nails, and they know about anger. Because anger is really what drives the northernes, or has been traditionally.

They say, that you should LISTEN to your anger, but not let it CONTROL you. Because if you let the anger control you, the one that controls your anger, controls you.

So, that is why, the POSITIVE view is so important, and why I have kept the light of the path, that can get us out of the quagmire that we are in.

There is still this wonderful, life enriching, positive path that we can just take, when we decide to do so.

Being friends with the Arabs, and making all kinds of wonderful things with them.

One year ago, we were shocked but came together as a people. Now it is time, to THINK of our future.

What is it, that we want with our country.

I would say; go with the possibility of making friends. That is a victory in itself.

Making a positive future for ourselves, is on the table, and it includes getting the hostages back.

Because, realistically, will Hamas really get in the way of Saudi Arabia?

When we make friends with the core of the Arabs, the other will follow suit, and in this way, we will be friends with Hamas as well.

We have to go to the REAL power of the Middle East, that is Saudi Arabia in the Sunni muslim world.

Do that, and we have a way to get peace and get our hostages back.

G-d bless the will to find ourselves again, and be joyful and happy again. May we find peace.

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