True artistry

July 17th, 2024

You know, when you make ideas and propose new developments of society, then more often than not, it just falls apart, and you become a failure.

The EU is experiencing this moment right now. Most of the ideas that it is based on, just doesn’t work. I am not saying this to be negative, it is just how politics work.

The open borders, the migration over the borders, the economical politics that has been so far has been a failure. Now the EU is running my ideas economically, the “Bidennomics” that is really my take on economy, that works. It works. It will make the European Union a success, economically.

So, what is really the reason why this is how it is?

It’s because, as in most other endeavors we humans do, there is a fine line between amateurism and professionalism. Yet, the big guys in any kind of field, will be the artists.

The true artist, will take a field, and excel because of a supernatural skill in many fields at once. Take Lady Gaga for instance, she is hard working, essential pretty humble, a dancer, she plays the piano, she looks good, and is an amazing singer. Add to this, she can go into any kind of genre, and just do it. I mean, the ability and skill of going on one day to work with Andrea Bocelli and do opera, the next day she headbangs together with Metallica, not to mention Rolling Stones. She does it, without tooting her horn. That is a true artist.

The same goes with the Barcelona cathedral, that I am a big fan of. Gaudi, just blended engineering with sacred geometry and a radically new architectural expression.

It’s just stunning in its level of skill.

Politics is the same, we are not many true artiest and avant-garde thinkers, because it’s either impossible to do, because if you are avantgarde in politics, the police will try to silence you.

And to be at university to do politics in a truly artistic level is impossible. Maybe it can be done in Oxford or Princeton, but even those schools find it hard to really be roomy enough for true political artistry. There is actually only Vallekilde back, my family Højskole, so that is where I come from, the leading school of the world.

Anyway, maybe this understanding of what is going on, is a cause for acceptance. New ideas are difficult to wrap your heads around when they are introduced, yet when they are realized, they stand in all their glory. Like Elon and all his brilliancy.

That guy is just a good friend and an amazing creator.

G-d bless the will to make a better world, based on true artistry.

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