True love

One of the points of Plato concerning love is, that when you are in love. You make an extra effort to just show your very best sides.

He argues, that that is why love is such an important thing in the world. If we were all in a soulmate relationship, we would all make the extra effort.

I think that is one of the issues of our current world, the dating apps, the massive superficiality of dating and so on. We are always searching for true love, yet because we never get to get under anyone’s skin, then we never get there, and as a consequence, our world is less good.

We need to take a step back, and stop being so focused on true love, and make our relationships and societies more appt to make these very unique relationships even possible.

That we do by having more ethics and by this a more beautiful world.

G-d bless the will to make a world, where true love is more probable.

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