United we stand

July 16th, 2024

It seems to me, that there is this moment of reconciliation and recognition of our political opponents.

Maybe, just maybe we can set aside the perceived differences for a time, and find some unity.

If we look at the content of the political divide, there is not much difference.

We have to get the borders under control. We have to focus on a patriotic blue collar defense of the union worker. We have to make our economy work again and we have to get the challenge with China under control.

Based on my last book, I am also arguing for a renaissance within media, science, and the legal system.

I have put up some ideals and recommend an ETHICAL development within the state, so that I renews itself.

Not to point fingers at anyone, to make sure that our democracy is alive, vibrant and is able to survive these new challenges. We should be a better version of ourselves, remember the revolutionary zeal for virtue, human rights, illumination, justice, solidarity and essentially a society that is left better than what we inherited.

Make a better world. As they used to say, at the very beginning of my journey. United we stand divided we fall.

G-d bless the will to unite under the banner of good, solidarity, justice and illumination.

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