
August 16th, 2024

Ok, so we are getting back on track in the American election. The COMBINED bid for presidency of Mr. Walz and Ms. Harris is a solution that the Americans want.

It again underlines the extreme importance of unity in the election. The voters want the leadership to unite and not to make more problems of division.

Probably what has happened in England strengthens the feel for a more compromise style government.

Again, it is the COMBINATION and the compromise that is the core of the liberal constituency.

That seems to go down positively.

Now it is really important, that we have sealed the flank of the issue of migration. By proposing a serious and humane solution in the spring, that hole does not leak anymore.

I know that it is a little difficult, but it is vital that we reach across the aisle on this issue to be truly mainstream.

So the risk seems to have payed off. Well done ☺️

G-d bless the will to find unity in the United States of America.

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