We have to plan for the endgame

October 5th, 2024

We are in the endgame of the Israeli/Gazan conflict so we need to start thinking on the “day after”.

For me, it is, what happens to my life, when this is over. Do I get to be a part of the outreach and support of Israel to its allies. Be a part of the support of Egypt, the Arabs and even the Persians?

For my own sake, I really hope so. It is one thing is to sit behind my device and reflect on the issues, another thing is to walk in the shadow of those great statues of Sneferu, visit what is left of the university Kemet.

See the wonders of the ancient Persian tech and the beauty of its mountain forests. Not to mention the deserts of the Arab, that I have invested so much in with my own personal resources.

Will I be able to travel these ancient lands with all its mysterious wonders? Its breathtaking advancement in civilization?

Then there is the vision, that can be achieved of Israel being what the prophets envisioned as a friend and a supporter of progress in the Middle East.

It is a huge task, and a very challenging one.

Yet, when this gets some momentum, just imagine the joy and just amazing projects the Jews will be a part of.

Going from being the persecuted loner, to be a real people with friends and family around us.

This is the promise. Not to be the punching bag for everybody all the time. A respected people with a wonderful purpose.

This is the promise, and when we get there. It will be stable and joyful.

G-d bless the peace for all its wonder and its promise of stability for the Jewish people as well for the entire Middle East. May we finally find peace.

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