We will prevail

Well, things are not going really good, but there seems to be forming some kind of solid backing behind Israel as we speak.

The US is adamant in its support, the royal houses of Europe and a lot of the royal houses of the Middle East, Saudi Arabia and Dubai. We have the potential for reaching Abu Dhabi as well.

So the backing is pretty solid.

What we need to figure out, is how to get through the difficulties we are in.

So we have become stable at the front, we are not loosing allies anymore, but we still have not turned the tide of the war.

That is what we need to do, to make a stable Israel.

So there is potential, and A LOT of danger.

We need to focus on getting the tide to turn.

G-d bless the will to truly appreciate our allies, and thank them for their adamant support. We hear you and are thoroughly thankful for that support.

We will prevail.

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