What do the commission want?

There has been a lot of help from the EU towards me, not least when the commission stopped the Danish PM in sawing off my branch this Christmas time.

So I am actually trying to pay back.

There is however also some kind of draw back it seems from the EU. The projects I proposed through the funding system seems to be stalled and the commission keeps on promising me some kind of prize, that I have no idea what is supposed to mean, and does not have any prize money attached to it.

You know, I don’t really know what that means.

It is ok, but if you want my help, please be clear about what your priorities are.

I would really like to go to the Middle East through the EU funded project, but that seems to be stalled, and I have no idea what is going on.

So, please if you read this. What do you want from me?

G-d bless the will to support those who you can help.

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