When you are at the end of your rope

Well, when you have a hard childhood, as some of my readers have had, you can end up in all kinds of issues. Drugs, abuse things like that.

When I grew up, it was not easy, my mum was a single mum and the pressure was so intense, that she ended up in the asylum.

These things are the conditions that many live with.

So I was this extremely talented artist, musician, dancer I took my university degree in a record time. I was like a lit rocket.

But at around thirty, everything just fell apart, I couldn’t make my career work, and I ended up being sick, I almost died. I had this concussion that never went away.

For two years I spend my day looking up in the ceiling listening to German classical radio.

When I came out of that hell, I knew what life is worth, and I knew my own limits to an extreme degree.

What I did when I was so sick was to heal all the old wounds. I meditated the whole day, went to church, and cleansed myself.

So I decided to be a teacher and ended up being a philosopher.

That went totally nuts. I founded the movement that ultimately gave us Marine le Pen, Donald Trump and the whole right wing change.

The basic ideology these new movements drive on, I made.

Later i helped Obama, and then founded much of the whole idea behind Change.

What happened?

I healed myself.

I cleansed myself for a number of years, and what surfaced was a new person.

When you travel with G-d, you become in his image.

So in a sense, all the socially destructive background I came from was washed away, through a conscious effort.

My point is, if you are at the of your rope, tie a knot and hold on. Hold on to faith and being a sound person.

G-d bless the will to do good and find bliss and love in this life.

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