You have to be in your A-game

Ok, these are my reflections regarding the European Union, and its future.

First of all, as one of my American friends once said, she was a beautiful ballet dancer; you gotta work your A-game.

What is really the meaning of that? It means, that you should do what you do best.

Dont do what everybody else is doing, do what you are good at, and then you will succeed.

She became, apart from an amazing dancer, a doctor, a mother and many other wonderful things.

So, what is really the STRENGHTS of the European Union. First of all, what really makes sense is the energy development.

Europe is too dependent on energy from around the world. That has to change. So we are, feverishly, working on an agenda, to Change that.

This points to renewable energy, and getting all that to work in practice.

I am myself really engaged in this, and have a pretty cool project, that I hope to realize.

So, this area is really important, and something that everybody really benefits from, if and when it gets to work.

Good point.

The next is human rights. It really seems to me, that the European Union MEANS it.

The commission supports the Nobel Peace project, that celebrates some of the leading Human rights activists in the world.

So, the heroes of the Union are those, who are actually fighting for Democracy and the rights of the people.

Again a vital point.

The thing is, there are a lot of human rights abuse IN the European Union.

The protection of the rights of the citizens of Europe, through the legal system, is an open winner.

Why would the citizens of Europe support the Union? Because they know, that if their rights are not respected, they can call upon the European high court.

That gives the CITIZENS a motive to support the union.

I know, that it gives a bit of conflict between the national level and the federal level, but more often than not, the national system is not proud about the mistakes they make, and will accept the verdict.

So, these are, right now, two important missions of the Union.

We have to get into our A game, to realize the potential of the Union.

G-d bless the will to do good, think good thoughts, and speak well.

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