Oh my G-d, the nominations are just rolling in. Tulsi Gabbard as intelligence director. That is just amazing. I have no doubt she will do it very well. She now has to contend with the dangers of the world, covertly.
It’s like we have these TWO democratic parties. One which is fearless and forceful, the other seeking consensus and compromise.
Anyway, congratulations Tulsi, I hoped you could come back to the Democratic Party, but I get it. It is the way it is, and I guess you will be able to make your mark on history with much more free reins than under anyone else. Just remember, you are a serious contender to be president one day. And I truly hope you will. Just remember the “we the people”.
Now this also reflects back on the EU. Actually it is going quite well. The internal discussion is on a positive path. The redistribution of power is really the path forward. Finding balance. We will, if all goes well, make it all.
BUT, you still need to support me financially. I have begun the manifesto of green change, but I CANNOT make it work just sitting here in my apartment and writing on my blog. It’s not serious guys. You can support me, and you should. If you truly care for your own organization, you should make it work.
G-d bless the will to make a better world.