Peace in Syria

So, the progress of Syria is really not that bad. The incidence with the Christmas tree seems to be indicative of a progress that is really, hands down impressive. The will to live in peace under a democratic constitution.

We should have been much more engaged in the Arab spring, and many more countries could have been like Syria.

But, be as it may, if Syria successfully becomes a fully fledged Democracy, the promise is vast.

Not to mention, that it is about normal people. How they live, how their day to day reality is. It can be horrible or it can be good.

We are all good people, there are corruption here and there. And people stray sometimes, but at the end of the day. A nation where people manage to live side by side is preferable for all.

It comes down to trust, is it possible to make a world where there is progress, or will it end up in chaos. This is really the test. Will the Middle East see a phase of peace, that will translate into prosperity for all?

The direction is not bad, so let’s cross our fingers, and may we have peace.

G-d bless the will to make a better world in the Middle East.

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