All right so now it is Hanukkah. What may we understand of this. It was a SPIRITUAL struggle. Someone wanted to curb the values and virtues of the Jews in confrontation with the ancient Greek. We refused to be curbed and shed our virtues.
In this current conflict. It’s the same. Good vs. evil.
We are the good guys. However UNDERSTANDING what is good, and what the angels and G-d wants from us, can be difficult.
Yet to be honest. We always know, seeing bad behavior and evil is always pretty apparent. It is what it is.
Yet following that narrow path is difficult. Being an ethical person costs you.
However this is who we are. We can’t just take the rebels out of us, the striving for good. This is who we are.
The dark lord rests in criminal and dark places. We are the harbingers of the archangel Michael and we stand firm on good in this world. And when we do it, my personal experience is, we are protected.
G-d bless the will to find light in this world. May we prevail.