A romance that came to an end

All right, I know a lot of my readers have been following my romance with the princess of Spain. Unfortunately it’s over.

We have kind of come to a situation where we’re hurting each other all the time.

It’s just not good for any of us.

There is no anger from my point of view. We did our best.

My life has improved in the political world a lot lately, and as a consequence the persecution is vaning. That was the point of our romance, from my point of view.

But just to say it out loud. I have no anger in any way. I got to know the Spanish royal house, and that was ok. Especially the Spanish king stands as an imposing figure.

So from that angle, there is no bad feelings.

It had a lot of promise, especially for the Christian Churces, but well. It is at as it is.

G-d bless the will to make a more beautiful world with the respect for each other. And good buy princess, we have to stop now. Thank you for all the beautiful moments 😊

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