
Thank you CIA, you actually helped me when I needed it, in times of peril you came forward as white shining night and stood by my side. As I have stood by United States of America numerous times in good and bad conditions.

There has been a lot of pressure on the late senior agent of PET mr. Scharff. He was the direct machinator behind the consecutive harassments of my person. And the arbiter behind the torture of Rakel.

This man is a traitor. He does not support the liberal democratic cause, and he is a direct supporter of dark forces around the world.

He is gone now, thank you for that.

My demands of compensation still stand, but I will wait till the new commander is in place, and hopefully he will initiate a dialogue.

The employees seems to have supported me as well, and this spells good for the future. It seems to me, that the employees still support the cause of democracy, and thereby have disagreed with the late commander.

May the new commander be a true supporter of the grand democratic cause!

G-d bless the amazing grace put upon the United States of America.

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