When I went to Oxford, I did it as a representative of Denmark. Most know, that Denmark has a very harsh and confrontation discussion on religion, and especially Islam. We have been in the forefront when it comes to discuss the conflict between the West and the East.
Some of the theoretical distinctions that I have coined, as a representative of the philosophical discourse here in Denmark, has been accepted worldwide, as the distinction between political Islam and humanistic Islam. The West fighting the first, and supporting the second.
So what was really the outcome of the conference? Did we get somewhere?
Well, there was a huge interest in Islamic ideas and teaching at the conference. We were presented to a variety of very interesting ideas. There was the critical approach, the political approach by Malaysia, the Sufis and their spirituality, modern day challenges in Malaysia. All in all a variety of positive and possibly bridge building initiatives.
I personally got the best connection to a Saudi doctor, whom I discussed a bit about my proof of G-d, and he seemed genuinely interested. I felt an opening there, and I have already received a mail back from him, that I got in response from one I send to him.
So the bridge building is already starting, and I sincerely hope, that it will truly continue.
This is absolutely groundbreaking. Because one thing is to make huge diplomatic conferences, another thing is the personal connection you get to someone who seems a bit like yourself, that is truly friendship, and it is though genuine friendship that things evolve.
So, all in all I hope and believe, that some first tentative steps have been taken, that will perhaps be taken further and create a dialogue of peace.
G-d bless the peace we will find.