
​Well, after some kind of guard change, we have come to this. Some of the policies that Barack and I have implemented, most notably the attempt to finish the cold war, has remained in the new administrations view. 

The fight against ISIS is also still on, and the fight against China has taken a strange but not altogether bad turn. 

There are some things in the Middle East that is going my way. To accept Egypt again and kick out the Muslim Brotherhood is good, but the overall peace efforts in the Middle East seem to rest on my shoulders now. 

Concerning Europe, things have moved forward, but still it remains to see what the downfall of EU and the rise of IS in Europe will result in. Not a good thing I believe. 

But all in all, I think that the transition phase is at its completion. We still need to see how Mr. Jared Kushner will play his game. That is really all that remains. 

G-d bless the will to be honest and strong in the face of strife.

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