When we discuss the political/religious content of the war. I guess we need to understand the complexity of these things, that we are facing.
When I made the current paradigm, that is the fight against political Islam, that is IS, what was brilliant about that, was that it gave all those Muslims who did not want to fight the West a place to put their understanding and allegiance.
Not all Muslims are violent and rapegangs. Some are, and we have seen that with Hamas, they are, by all means close to and islamists ideology.
BUT, it is VERY important to differentiate between Islamic State that is, essentially The Muslim Brotherhood and their supports, and the rest of the Muslim faith.
We are gatekeepers and controllers of the holy land. Not just tech entrepreneurs.
Not to say anything bad about tech entrepreneurs, I am myself a tech entrepreneur.
But our ROLE in Israel is caretakers of the holy land.
We need to make sure, that all monotheistic faiths and other who are a part of the Mosaic faith, have a fair share of the holy land.
That is Christians, Muslims, Bahai and others.
Confusing our role in Israel with a modern notion is very dangerous, because we make things go wrong.
We need to keep our role as peacekeepers and fair custodians of Israel, so that all that see it as their most holy have fair access to it.
Of cause troublemaking and violence cannot be tolerated in these most holy of places. That is also our role, to keep everybody safe, despite their ideas and religions.
That is a very difficult task, but a task we need to realize and do to be controlling Israel in the long run.
That is why I believe, that Muslims should have access to the Al-Aqsa mosque on Ramadan.
Thereby we show the Muslim world, that it is not about religion, and we still see ourselves as custodians of the peace between the three monotheistic religions.
G-d bless the will to see ourselves as what we are, the custodians of Israel. A people, to give access to all those who see Israel as their most holy site, if they do not do violence.