The protection of journalists

Well, when we focus on the EU, we need to make it progress on a path that is actually positive.

It is not easy, to make a collaboration of countries, that have, traditionally, been fighting, is difficult.

But there are a number of cases, where it actually makes a lot of sense.

I have been in the limelight of repercussion and ridicule in Denmark for a long time now.

The process is that of ostracism, and I am not able to get a job, my things are shut down, so on a so forth.

I the old times in Eastern Germany, it was called berufsverbot.

You can off cause discuss the ups and downs, I am not entirely innocent myself, to be honest. I have been pressuring the system for a long time, and they are wary about it.

I get it.

But the ostracism is getting out of hand, and this where the EU has been of tremendous value for me.

We see other cases of state persecution and the like around both Eastern and Western Europe, and it seems to me, that the federal level has taken this problem and decided to try and do something about it.

Because it is, off cause, against the very core of what we understand of an enlightened democratic/humanistic state.

The federal level, has the tools available, and can actually make the different countries behave, if they start to persecute journalists and so on.

As you have done in my case.

It is the right thing to do, and it actually gives the federal government a lot of plus points in the book of the citizens. Because they are scared and horrified by the state.

I talked to a friend after mine, a fellow documentarist. Her comment was; are we living in Northern Korea, and then she told me, that she was too scared to do anything about it, lest she would be targeted as well.

When the EU takes interest in these cases, it is really a tremendous help.

So, that is definitely a path that seems to be sound, good for the federal level, and will give EU a raison d´etre, that is very positive in this case.

G-d bless the will to do good in this world, and protect journalists as they are persecuted by the states for telling the truth about corruption.

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