The attack

It is with the deepest regret I hear the news of the jewish innocent children who are murdered by an unknown hand. Let us be clear on this; it is with a total disregard of any human action in the light of spirit, that this is done. It cannot be seen as anything but a hand of the dark, in these actions. And whoever did it, must be attached to the sons of the darkness we as fighters in light, try to combat in spirit as well as in physical action. With respect to ethics off cause.

Maybe an understanding of what happened to the children and the rabbi may console the families involved. When we leave this world, we are united with the spirit we came from again. So we can rest in the knowledge that our kin and family are not gone, but are in the hands of the ones we loved and who left us before. They are not suffering, but are joyful where they are.

This and the knowledge that it is not the first time jews have been targeted, it will not be the last time. But through the ages, we have managed to overcome the most arduous challenges to our little community. This challenge will be the last, if we succeed in creating the Israel we dream of, but it will be the hardest.

So in the eyes of our children we will relieve the sorrow we feel, to lift our spirit again, and again, again.

Do not worry, these obstacles will be overcome as well, as long as we stay on the path of justice and love.

My condolences to the family and friends who are suffering.

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