
Ok, so these are my reflections on love. I know, that these reflections may seem a little weird in the middle of a war. But somehow the tide brought me these reflections, and I hope that you are ok with me sharing these ideas in this difficult time.

Plato has this idea about love, he has this amazing story that were inspired by the story of the winged horse Pegasus and his rider Bellerophon.

He said that once mankind were like round wheels. It may sound a little strange, but these round wheels became so powerful, that they fought with the g-ds in their hubris.

So the g-ds punished these wheels and cut them in two. So each side now has two arms and two legs.

But when they are born, they miss their other half. So they go searching for that other half the rest of their lifes, to be able to feel complete. Thereby absolving mankind for their hubris.

This is why some of us search for most of our lives, to find that mirror of ourselves, and when we find that mirror. Being with them makes us complete.

Maybe this is why we are looking at these things in a way now, that we may actually find someone who will make us complete?

G-d bless the will to be honest in action, and beautiful in thought.

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