
All right, so this just again a major thumbs up to Mr. Trump. The PET have, so far, stayed away from me.

It seems to be working, so that is just major good news. Perfect in fact.

Anyway, the Middle East actually seems to be going in a good direction, which means we can start focusing on China and Ukraine.

China is an ECONOMIC challenge. We need to beat them economically. They have been cheating a lot, but we have countered them, pretty well. Still, we need to keep up the pressure. According to one of my friends, who have been living in China for many years, they are actually looming close to a massive downfall. Their financial institutions are really not good, and they have made loans too big, in their real estate area. It is close to the Japanese example, where the entire banking system collapsed. But it is supposed to be even worse. So, if we are lucky, they will deflate and we can then avoid physical confrontation over Taiwan. But the good thing about getting the Middle East to peace, and ending the Ukraine crisis, is that we can solely concentrate on China. Use our intelligence, resources and ideological build up, to challenge them.

This is really the main challenge. If we do not get it right, America will be under China, and that is not going to happen, if I can help it. At least this is my ambition, to keep America great.

There is a lot of internal rebuilding of the US. Ideologically, physically and so on. We need to be proud of being American again.

And just for the record, it is actually nice to be in a position I really enjoy. I know it is new and patriotic and supposed to be void. But, it’s just a relief in a way. Also, I am trying to do the same with Israel, so we will see, if Israel can join the positive path. Of cause Israel has some other ideas and principles we follow than the US. Yet the patriotic pursuit is the same.

So, we are actually having our challenges under control, now we just need to tackle it, and have a rebirth as a Nation.

G-d bless the United States of America, may we prevail.

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