Oh my g-d, this is a moment of triumph. What began in the Mohammad cartoon crisis has manifested in a massive presidentship of the US. Thank you so much Donald for manifesting this.
At the same time, let’s remember all of those who were lost on the way. Andrew Breibart, the founder of the new right in the US. Pim Fortuyn, the hero of the Dutch, Theo Van Gogh, who is not here anymore. Lars Vilks, the amazing artist. Tommy Robinson, still in jail. Finn Nørgaard the filmmaker who attacked a terrorist with his bare hands.
All these larger than life characters, who have given their lives for this cause, are really the life blood, the martyrs of the new conservatives.
I know, that few people know them these days. Dead and forgotten I guess. But I remember, and I will put a little light in my window, to thank you for your sacrifice. You sacrificed yourself for your nations, and I hold you in that respect.
Thank you old brothers in arms, never forgotten, always remembered.
G-d bless the will to honor those in triumph that bled for the movement to get where it is. May we prevail.